Letter 10/12/1881 - by Vincent van Gogh

First of all, two large drawings (crayon and a little sepia) of pollard willows - more or less like the sketch below. Next a similar one, but oblong, of the road to Leur. After that I had a model again a few times, a digger
and a basket maker. And then I was given a box of paints by Uncle in Prinsenhage last week, which is quite good, certainly good enough to start with (the paint is Paillard's). And I am very pleased with that.
Well, I have immediately attempted to make a kind of watercolor.
I count myself very lucky to be able to get a model. I am also having a go at drawing a horse and a donkey.
Especially for watercolor, that particular thick Ingres paper is very good and a good deal cheaper than any other. Even so, I am not in a particular hurry with it, because I brought back some stock from The Hague, but
unfortunately, it is plain white.
Well, you can see I am hard at work.
And now goodbye, I have walked a long way today and am incredibly tired, but I did not want to let the letter go off without enclosing something.